The Fetal and Neonatal Heart: Implication for adult life
March 23-24, 2020
St. Petersburg, Russia
- Fetal echocardiography
- Core concepts in fetal cardiac function
- Functional changes from prenatal to postnatal life
- What about the third dimension?
- Fetal cardiac function disease states
- 1st trimester vasculature imaging
- Venous anomalies
- What’s new in STIC imaging?
- Impact of computerisation/artificial intelligence
- Fetal cardic remodeling and dysfunction in PE and FGR
- Sonopathological correlation of 1st trimester cardiac defects
- Right ventricular outflow tract anomalies
- Cardiac vascolar intensive care
- Fetal dysrhythmia
- Genetic and fetal myocardial disease
- 3D cardiac reconstruction
- Congenital hearth surgery
- Neurodevelopment and psycho-social care
- Electrophysiology
- Drugs, pregnancy and fetal cardiovascular malformations