Se realizará en el Hospital Clínic - Seu Maternitat i en el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.<br/> Barcelona, 3 y 4 de Noviembre de 2020<br/> Taller pre-curso (lunes 2 de noviembre de 2020)<br /> Taller post-curso (jueves 5 de noviembre de 2020)<br /> Precio: 25¤ <br />
17-21 October 2020, Glasgow, UK<br/>
16 - 20 October 2020 - Barcelona, Spain <br/>
Cartagena Colombia, 10 - 13 Octubre 2020<br /> Hotel Hilton Cartagena<br />
will be organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina<br/> 01/04 October 2020<br/>
Valencia - Spain - 1 - 3 October 2020<br /> PRE CONGRESS WEBINARS<br /> 5 – 12 – 19 – 26 September 2020 <br /> POST CONGRESS WEBINARS <br /> 10 – 17 October 2020 <br />
September 6-10, 2020 Asuncion, Paraguay<br/>
will take place 3-5 September 2020 in Turin, Italy.<br/> Centro Congressi Unione Industriale Torino <br/>
Budapest, Hungary<br/> 24 al 26 de julio de 2020<br/>
Virtual Forum o f Hypertension in Children and Adolescents Wednesday July 8, 2020, 19:00 GMT<br/>
Avignon, Provence, France<br/> June 24th - 27th, 2020<br/>
will take place 22-23 June 2020 in Zurich, Switzerland.<br/>