Conferencias y Congresos Internacionales antiguos

10/12/2018 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

The 8th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS)

16 - 20 October 2020 - Barcelona, Spain <br/>

20/02/2020 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

10 Congreso Panamericano de Neonatología

Cartagena Colombia, 10 - 13 Octubre 2020<br /> Hotel Hilton Cartagena<br />

09/12/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

10th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine in Developing Countries (WCPM), in Bosnia and Herzegovina

will be organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina<br/> 01/04 October 2020<br/>

17/07/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID


Valencia - Spain - 1 - 3 October 2020<br /> PRE CONGRESS WEBINARS<br /> 5 &#8211; 12 &#8211; 19 &#8211; 26 September 2020 <br /> POST CONGRESS WEBINARS <br /> 10 &#8211; 17 October 2020 <br />

16/07/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

FLASOG 2020, Asuncion, Paraguay

September 6-10, 2020 Asuncion, Paraguay<br/>

05/11/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

9th ICCN - International Conference on Clinical Neonatology

will take place 3-5 September 2020 in Turin, Italy.<br/> Centro Congressi Unione Industriale Torino <br/>

06/11/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

6th International Neonatology Association Conference (INAC 2020)

Budapest, Hungary<br/> 24 al 26 de julio de 2020<br/>

26/06/2020 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

Virtual Forum - July 8, 2020 - ICHCA 2021 3rd International Congress of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents

Virtual Forum o f Hypertension in Children and Adolescents Wednesday July 8, 2020, 19:00 GMT<br/>

11/12/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

4th Summer Discussions on Neonatology

Avignon, Provence, France<br/> June 24th - 27th, 2020<br/>

05/11/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

3rd International Conference on Advances in Neonatal and Pediatric Nutrition

will take place 22-23 June 2020 in Zurich, Switzerland.<br/>

09/01/2020 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

GLOBAL PEDIATRICS 2020 - 4th Edition - Global Experts Meeting on Frontiers in Pediatrics and Neonatology

June 15-17, 2020<br/> Zuritz, Switzerland<br/>

14/11/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

5th International conference on World Pediatric Congress - Pediatrics Conference 2020

Barcelona, Spain<br/> June 15-16, 2020<br/>

Noticias y eventos