Maastricht, 17 al 21 de Septiembre de 2019 <br/> 60th ESPR/ESN Annual Meeting<br/> 9th International Congress of UENPS<br/> 4th International Congress of EFCNI<br/>
11/14 September 2019<br/>
5 September, 2019 ◂to▸ 7 September, 2019<br/>
August 12-13, 2019 Rome, Italy<br/>
Hotel Real Inn, Tijuana, Mexico. 12 – 14 July 2019.<br/>
Avignon, France, 26th - 29th June, 2019 <br/> Palais des Papes Convention Centre <br/>
Avignon, France, 26 - 29 de junio de 2019<br/> Palais del Papes Convention Center<br/>
Venecia, Italia, 9 al 11 de junio de 2019<br/>
Warsaw | Poland, 24 - 26 May, 2019
Turin, Italy. 23 al 26 de Mayo 2019<br/>
May 13-14, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan
Budapest, Hungary, on 8th‐11th May 2019