Conferencias y Congresos Internacionales antiguos

27/09/2016 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

JENS 2019 - Congress of Joint European Neonatal Societies (Jens)

Maastricht, 17 al 21 de Septiembre de 2019 <br/> 60th ESPR/ESN Annual Meeting<br/> 9th International Congress of UENPS<br/> 4th International Congress of EFCNI<br/>

16/07/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

14th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

11/14 September 2019<br/>

16/07/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

44th International Congress of ESNPC

5 September, 2019 &#9666;to&#9656; 7 September, 2019<br/>

16/07/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

28th International Conference on Pediatrics Health

August 12-13, 2019 Rome, Italy<br/>

07/09/2018 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

5th International Neonatology Association Conference

Hotel Real Inn, Tijuana, Mexico. 12 &#8211; 14 July 2019.<br/>

02/01/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

Summer Discussions on Neonatology 2019

Avignon, France, 26th - 29th June, 2019 <br/> Palais des Papes Convention Centre <br/>

26/07/2018 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

Interactive Summer Conference on NEONATOLOGY

Avignon, France, 26 - 29 de junio de 2019<br/> Palais del Papes Convention Center<br/>

26/07/2018 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

10th Anniversary edition of International Conference on Clinical Neonatology

Venecia, Italia, 9 al 11 de junio de 2019<br/>

18/12/2018 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

The 2nd International Congress of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents (ICHCA)

Warsaw | Poland, 24 - 26 May, 2019

13/11/2018 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

7th International Conference on Clinical Neonatology

Turin, Italy. 23 al 26 de Mayo 2019<br/>

08/01/2019 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

International Conference on Dermatology and Cosmetology (IDC 2019)

May 13-14, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan

18/12/2018 | Gestor de la Red SAMID

1st European Regional Conference: From Perinatal to Early Childhood Mental Health &#8211; Prevention and Clinical Practice.

Budapest, Hungary, on 8th&#8208;11th May 2019

Noticias y eventos