2nd Hypospadias World Congress
Germany, Frankfurt, 3 - 5 October 2018
2nd Hypospadias World Congress
Back to Basics with Live Operations.

Welcome to the 2nd Hypospadias World Congress, due on October 3 -5, 2018 in Offenbach, Frankfurt, Germany. We cordially invite you to attend the congress and meet the leading hypospadias experts of our time. You will have the possibility to exchange scientific information, technological and scientific know-how. The key-note lectures are carefully chosen to cover the whole field of Hypospadias. A major highlight is the Live Surgery on Friday, October 5th , 2018 that covers the whole spectrum. The Hypospadias International Society (HIS) and Sana Klinikum Offenbach, the sponsors of the Congress, provide the international forum for all disciplines and persons interested in the field of Hypospadias. The first world Congress was held in Moscow 2017 and the third will be held in Philadelphia in 2019.
Hypospadias is a common congenital anomaly affecting about 1% of male live birth. It has become a true specialty that involves several different disciplines. There is a lot that is still unknown about this common and interesting field of medicine. There is a need to promote research and to set a high standard of patient care and ethics and to exchange and promote knowledge and experience.
We would like to welcome you whether you are a, Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Urologist, Adult Urologist, Plastic Surgeon, Andrologist, Endocrinologist, Psychiatrist, Pediatrician or a Basic Scientist to actively participate in this unique congress.
There are valuable Basic Science (5000¤) and Clinical (1000¤) prizes for the best scientific presentations and share your experience and scientific research.
The Offenbach Hypospadias Center is the leading Hypospadias referral Center in Germany with more than 1000 hypospadias operations performed every year (www.weisse-liste.de )
The Main Topics of the Congress include “Embryology, Pathology, Pathogenesis, Genetics & Hormonal factors of Hypospadias”, “Modern Techniques for Hypospadias Repair”, “Management of Hypospadias Complications”, “Long Term Follow Up of Hypospadias”, and “Hypospadias Surgery in Adults”.
Frankfurt is a vibrant International City with direct flight connections to all major cities of the world. In addition to the high quality scientific program, there will be an exciting social program that will enable you to experience and enjoy the German culture, German traditions and the delicious German cuisine. You will not forget the wonderful river cruises, Parks, Museums and Opera of Frankfurt.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Frankfurt,