Title: Environmental exposure during pregnancy. Influence in prenatal development and early-life: A comprehensive review.


March, 2021

Environmental Exposure during Pregnancy: Influence on Prenatal Development and Early Life: A Comprehensive Review.

Gómez-Roig MD, Pascal R, Cahuana MJ, García-Algar O, Sebastiani G, Andreu-Fernández V, Martínez L, Rodríguez G, Iglesia I, Ortiz-Arrabal O, Mesa MD, Cabero MJ, Guerra L, Llurba E, Domínguez C, Zanini MJ, Foraster M, Larqué E, Cabañas F, Lopez-Azorín M, Pérez A, Loureiro B, Pallás-Alonso CR, Escuder-Vieco D, Vento M.Fetal Diagn Ther. 2021 Mar 18:1-13. doi: 10.1159/000514884. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33735860 

Journal - chronological order from bottom to top


October 23, 2019

Network Manager:

So far the groups that want to enter into the collaboration are the groups: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13

Groups 1 and 7 are missing at the moment that comment how they could collaborate in the publication.


Group 9 - HU La Paz - experimental

Dr. Leopoldo Martínez also wants to leave a grain of sand in the publication. He comments:

In the experimental surgical field there is not much of this. We would add to what there may be of alcohol given our collaboration with the Barcelona group. And perhaps some of what there is some data on gastroschisis and previous exposure to certain drugs and substances.

Group 11 - HUP La Fe

Dr. Vento shows his enthusiasm for how the publication is being defined so far and the collaboration of the different groups.


October 22, 2019

Group 13 - Universidad de Murcia

Dr. Larqué comments that her group can collaborate

From MURCIA we could participate in section 3, but it is not clear to me what environmental factors you refer to if they have already been described separately in the previous sections

3.    Environmental effects on placental, fetal and pregnancy outcomes 

Count on us for this placental theme if you are doing well.

Grupo 2 - IIS Aragón

El Dr. Gerardo Martinez comunica que en Zaragoza hemos trabajado y publicado los efectos de la exposición al tabaco durante la gestación y el peso del Recién nacido (riesgo de bajo peso, antropometría completa) y también en los modelos epidemiológicos a largo plazo el riesgo de exceso de peso a los 7 años en nuestra cohorte CALINA en los hijos de madre fumadora como factor independiente en diferentes modelos. 

También tenemos una linea de resultados propios publicados de síndrome alcoholico fetal, grosor de retina y neurodesarrollo con los oftalmólogos del grupo SAMID Zaragoza Finalmente, podríamos completar algún tóxico más pero sin datos propios con la parte obstétrica del grupo (Daniel Orós) 

La iniciativa es muy buena y el tema muy amplio. Incluidnos si así lo veis en el apartado que más interese / encaje

Group 8 - HU La Paz (Neo)

Dr. Cabañas comments:

We are delighted to participate. Our participation will be helping to review bibliography and if you assign us a specific section to develop it.

My question is, which groups have their own studies on the different areas of work.

When you can let us know.

Group 3 (HU Sant Joan de Deu), Group 5 (H Clinic) and Group 4 (HU Sant Pau)

Dr. Gómez Roig, after the contributions and opinions received, comments:

After assessing the emails of the group that we have at the moment, I think like Oscar that it is important to continue with point number 1: Study of the influence of prenatal exposure, in a critical and very sensitive stage such as "pregnancy", and its perinatal and postnatal consequences (including pediatric age).

This topic is very relevant in the perinatal scientific forums, and will be easily accepted according to my point of view. When talking about postnatal consequences, I believe that most of the Network's groups fit. We can help with the updated bibliography.

On the other hand, perinatal or postnatal exposure simply implies a more epidemiological article with immediate toxic effects or infinite effects on adult life. If we disperse it will be more difficult to justify the main objective related to our Network: from prenatal stage to childhood ... adulthood.


For the moment, and according to the responses received, I join group 12: Granada (Dolores Mesa), the group 10: 12 October (Keka Pallas) - I have created a new section -, and group 11: La Fe de Valencia ( Max Vento).


I have changed the index to open the doors to more participation:



1.            Introduction

                a.            Environmental contaminants

                b.            Windows of susceptibility  and prenatal exposure 

2.            Environmental exposures in pregnacy

                a.            Toxic effect of prenatal exposure to substance use:

                               i.             Alcohol

                               ii.            Tobacco

                               iii.           Drugs of abuse

                b.            The effect of maternal food intake (Grupo 12)

                c.            Prenatal exposure to air pollution as a potential risk factor

                d.            Prenatal exposure to endocrine disruptors and toxic metals (Grupo 11)

                e.            Prenatal noise stress

3.            Environmental effects on placental, fetal and pregnancy outcomes

4.            Brestfeeding and early-life consequences (Grupo 10)

5.            Prenatal exposure effects in infancy and childhood

6.            Recommendations (general and specific): translate science into action 

7.            Conclusions


Group 11 - HUP La Fe

Dr. Vento, in line with what Dr. Pallás says, says: Group 11 also brings experience in contaminants in human milk, since they are doing so with the Valencian Institute of Public Health.

In this line, publications have as an example:

Biomonitoring of parabens in human milk and estimated daily intake for breastfed infants.(2019)

Biomonitoring of bisphenols A, F, S in human milk and probabilistic risk assessment for breastfed infants.(2019)

Biomonitoring of mercury in hair of breastfeeding mothers living in the Valencian Region (Spain). Levels and predictors of exposure.(2017)

Groupo 10 - HU 12 de Octubre

Dr. Pallás, is committed to collaborate with the part of breast milk that is what they dominate, with experience and publications.

Group 11 - HUP La Fe

Dr. Vento thinks he agrees with Dr. Oscar García. In reality, the Network is about a continum that goes from conception to the end of adolescence, and these themes allow us to explore these events.


October 21, 2019

Group 6 - HGU Gregorio Marañon

Dr. López-Herce replies:

I was not trying to create any discussion. I think the article is clearly stated for the perinatal stage and it seems good to me to leave it that way.

Perhaps a second article may be raised later on the effects of pollutants and toxins in childhood outside the neonatal period but not on the aftermath of perinatals in childhood or adulthood

Group 5 - H Clinic

Dr. Oscar García answers the idea of including pediatric age:

I think it is important to differentiate both stages

1. It seems good to me to write about postnatal exposure, but this greatly amplifies the results of the search for long-term effects (even until old age)

2. It is very important to talk about the prenatal stage and the influence of the expositions on programming in all its aspects (cardiac, neurological, metabolic, etc.) and that includes the effects on pediatric age very clearly and there Jesus, Group 6, is fully included

I think this should be the first article. what do you think?

Group 3 - HU Sant Joan de Deu

Dr. Gómez Roig comments:

Yes, in principle it is as we contemplate it, but the subject is extremely wide if we want to talk about the whole exhibition. 

To be able to do it in the line that you propose, and following the meaning of our NETWORK as Max says, I propose some possibilities for you to decide which option may be the best:

1- Talk about exposure at a critical stage such as "pregnancy" and its consequences: 1) obstetrics, 2) perinatal-neonatal, 3) in the pediatric age. It would be to complete the current index with a couple of sections of involvement in the perinatal stage and childhood.

2- Reduce the exposure issues e.g. only to substances of abuse and talk about exposure during "pregnancy, perinatal period and pediatric age" and its consequences in childhood and adulthood related to development.

3- Prepare two articles with prenatal exposure and postnatal exposure in the RN - pediatric age and its longer-term consequences.

Max, Jesus, if you can give your opinion we will concretize the subject better.

More suggestions are accepted.

Group 11 - HUP La Fe

Dr. Vento communicates that the idea is, that the entire spectrum included in the SAMID Network be included: maternal and child development, therefore pediatric age should be included.

Group 12 - Universidad de Granada

Dr. Mesa comments that they can contribute to the food contaminants section

Group 6 - HGU Gregorio Marañon

Dr. López-Herce comments that the draft only contemplates perinatal age and that group 6 could participate if there are other pediatric ages

Group 11 - HUP La Fe

Dr. Vento communicates that his group gets to it.

Group 3 (HU Sant Joan de Deu), Group 5 (H Clinic) y Group 4 (HU Sant Pau)

Dr. M Dolores Gómez Roig communicates by mail to all groups:

After valuing the subject together with Oscar and Elisa I attached a Word with a possible title and index of the publication. On the side of the document are the comments.

It is a preliminary idea and any suggestions will be well received.

The groups that are interested in participating, please, write at the top of the document the people who will be involved and their emails to create the final working group. 

It is also necessary for the participants to specify their area of interest, following as far as the index proposed is possible. If you believe that the index, subtitle or topic has to be modified, make the suggestion and when we have all the answers we will conclude the final document.

Word attached with preliminary title and index

September 22, 2019

Group 6 (HGU Marañón) proposes to analyze the toxic and pollution (carboxyhemoglobin) in relation to admissions with respiratory pathology in pediatric intensive care.

September 19, 2019

M Dolores Gómez Roig communicates by mail to all groups:

As Oscar García has commented, we will send you a structured proposal of the article to know who of you may be interested in participating.

We work it these weeks, and then we are clear about how we propose it. I coordinate with Oscar and Elisa.

Surely it will generate a lot of interest.

September 17, 2019

In the X Scientific Conference of the SAMID Network (June 11, 2019) several alternatives were presented to address a collaborative publication for the entire network.

The Network Management Commission has chosen to choose the publication:

Pollution and toxic in relation to pregnancy and development in the pediatric age.

Led by: Elisa Llurbá, Oscar García-Algar and M Dolores Gómez Roig
