JENS 2016 - Congress of Joint European Neonatal Societies (Jens)
Budapest, 16th - 20th September 2015
The 1st joint European Neonatal Societies Congress (jENS) took place in Budapest from 16 to 20 September 2015.
For the first time, the European societies in neonatology ESPR, ESN, UENPS, and EFCNI organised a joint congress together with the national peri- and neonatal societies (Hungarian Society of Perinatology and Obstetric, Anesthesiology Hungarian Society of Perinatology) and the international nursing organisation COINN. As one of the organising institutions, EFCNI had the honour to organise pre-courses and congress sessions with well-known experts from different fields. The excellent collaboration between all societies and the congress agency MCA made this exceptional and well-organised congress a doubtlessly memorable event for the more than 2,500 participants who represented 83 countries.
Information -> here