• 27 de julio de 2023

Sant Pau Hospital pioneer in the application of a new neonatal resuscitation protocol with the intact umbilical cord.

Researchers from the RICORS-SAMID network of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau establish a new neonatal resuscitation protocol, pioneer in Catalonia and Spain. The technique consists in resuscitating the baby with the intact umbilical cord until it stop beating to cut it, thus keeping it attached to the mother during resuscitation. "This allows us to take care of the baby, resuscitate it immediately, without having to move it anywhere and without disconnecting it from maternal circulation," Dr. Pablo García Manau (RD21/0012/0019). The benefits are especially important in preterm babies under 30 weeks, since this technique facilitates adaptation to life outside the womb and reduces the risk of anemia and other possible complications, as explained by Dr. Carmen Garrido and Dr. Elisenda. Moliner (RD21/0012/0001).

“The objective is that both high-risk and low-risk women can have caesarea or vaginal delivery in the most physiological way possible, with the utmost humanity and with the maximum scientific evidence available to us", Dr. Elisa Llurba, director of the gynecology and obstetrics service at Sant Pau Hospital and coordinator of the RICORS-SAMID network (RD21/0012/0001).

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