News and Events SAMID Network

14/07/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | SAMID Network News

Article of interest - Dopamine receptors D1 and D2 show prognostic significance and potential therapeutic applications for endometrial cancer patients

Español P, Rovira R, Caruana P, Luna-Guibourg R, Soler C, Teixeira N, Rodríguez F, Gallardo A, Edwards M, Porta O, Gámez M, Sánchez O, Llurba E, Corchero JL, Céspedes MV.
Gynecol Oncol. 2023 Jul 10

20/06/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | SAMID Network News

Article of interest - European Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Respiratory Distress Syndrome: 2022 Update

David G. Sweet, Virgilio P. Carnielli, Gorm Greisen, Mikko Hallman, Katrin Klebermass-Schrehof, Eren Ozek, Arjan te Pas, Richard Plavka, Charles C. Roehr, Ola D. Saugstad, Umberto Simeoni, Christian P. Speer, Maximo Vento, Gerry H.A. Visser, Henry L. Halliday Neonatology. 2023

24/05/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | SAMID Network News

Article of interest - Would anti-choking devices be correctly and quickly managed by health science students? A manikin crossover trial

Cardalda-Serantes B, Carballo-Fazanes A, Rodríguez-Ruiz E, Abelairas-Gómez C, Rodríguez-Núñez A.
BMC Med Educ. 2023;23(1):365

18/05/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | Other News

Sant Pau creates a new transversal research program in Women’s Health and Gender

Sant Pau creates a new transversal research program on Women's Health and Gender. The Research Institute of Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau - IIB Sant Pau has launched a new cross-cutting research program to promote a gender perspective in all of its research areas and groups. 

18/05/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | SAMID Network News

Article of interest - Impact of Angiogenic and Cardiovascular Biomarkers for Prediction of Placental Dysfunction in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Madalina Nicoleta Nan, Álvaro García-Osuna, Josefina Mora, Cristina Trilla, Assumpta Antonijuan, Vanesa Orantes, Mónica Cruz-Lemini, Francisco Blanco-Vaca and Elisa Llurba. 
Biomedicines. 2023

10/05/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | International Conferences and Congresses

XXIV FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics

9-12th October 2023, Paris

10/05/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | SAMID Network News

Article of interest - Double balloon catheter versus vaginal prostaglandins for induction of labor: an observational ambidirectional cohort study

Marta Bailón-Queiruga, Monica Cruz-Lemini, Maria del Carmen Medina Mallén, PhD, Anna Mundó Fornell, Raquel Pérez Guervós, Anna Ramos de Luis, Elisa Llurba
Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal. 2023

22/03/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | International Conferences and Congresses

33rd ISUOG World Congress 2023

16-19th October 2023, Seoul (South Korea)

15/03/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | International Conferences and Congresses

7th International Congress of the European Milk Bank Association (EMBA)

Human Milk Banks: Equity and Quality for the Health of Vulnerable Babies 12 Octubre University Hospital, Madrid October, 25th-27th 2023

15/03/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | SAMID Network News

The Role of Aspirin in the Current Therapeutic Armamentarium

2022 International Aspirin Foundation Scientific Conference
Thursday 29th September 2022, Berlin

14/03/2023 | Gestor de la Red SAMID | Other News

World Endometriosis Day

World Endometriosis Day, March 14th

News & Events