24-25 October 2019, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid - SPAIN<br/> Several researchers from the REITCS Red SAMID are the organizers of the event.<br/>
23-26 October in Cagliari,Sardinia,Italy<br/>
October 21 - 22, 2019 <br/> Rome, Italy<br/>
Berlin, Germany<br/> 12-16 October, 2019<br/>
October 10-11, 2019 Turin, Italy<br/>
21-22 November 2019<br/> Cape Town, South Africa<br/>
Oct 7 - 8 2019 ,Rome, Italy<br/>
26.-28. September 2019 Bern | Schweiz<br/>
September 19-22, 2019 | Porto, Portugal<br/>
Maastricht, 17 al 21 de Septiembre de 2019 <br/> 60th ESPR/ESN Annual Meeting<br/> 9th International Congress of UENPS<br/> 4th International Congress of EFCNI<br/>
11/14 September 2019<br/>
5 September, 2019 ◂to▸ 7 September, 2019<br/>